Great Advice to Keep You Going

Hello lovelies!

It’s midterm week and life is absolute hell right now. It is super difficult to think positively when you feel like your entire life is spinning out of control.

I stumbled upon a few words of wisdom that will keep you going and I figured I would share with my favorite followers.

Take a look see at some of my favorites:

Use your resources.

Yes. This may seem dumb or obvious, but when you are super stressed and don’t know where to start, use your resources. What does this mean exactly? For example, if you can’t figure out the answer to a problem, don’t panic. Refer to the textbook for some help. If that doesn’t work, which we know is a giant possibility, ask a friend, or even use Chegg. Use your resources. When it comes to more general things like having way too much on your mind, use your resources and write out a list! Prioritize is another big help when it comes to being overwhelmed.

Plan well, work hard, smile often, and always be yourself. Good things will happen.

Can’t seem to see the end of that tunnel? Don’t freak out. It is there, no matter how invisible it might seem. Stay positive, no matter how difficult it is.

Always have a smile on your face because there is always something to smile about. If you’re in a bad mood, smiling can only make it better. Also, everybody looks more attractive with a smile.

Always smile. I always try to. Smiling makes me happy, keeps me calm, and keeps me positive. Flashing that gorgeous smile of yours at someone can also brighten their day.

Some sacrifices are worth making because they lead to unexpected opportunities.

Yes, there is an amazing party this Friday that you really want to go to, but you have four midterms the next week! What do you do? Sacrifice the party, because, odds are, there will be another one sometime soon. Your grades are important. Make them a priority. Who knows what unexpected opportunity life has in store for you because you made the “adult” decision and studied instead of party?

I hope these great words of wisdom made your life a little easier for you!

Stay posted for more positivity, and as always, stay beautiful!


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